Students who did these problems would gain in understanding, but I think the questions are not especially strong with respect to developing new skills at applying the concepts, doing broader analysis, or synthesizing ideas. My major complaint is that many of the figures were small in my browser, with no way I could find to be enlarged, except for right-clicking and opening them in a new tab. The online version features a side menu table of contents with a drop-down option for each unit and chapter, so that one can navigate to individual chapter sections. This is a wonderful substitute text for major's Biology courses and you cannot beat the price! 1999-2023, Rice University. On page 313, the explanation of The Red Queen Hypothesis in the Evolution Connection is very weak and unclear. OpenStax is part of Rice University, which is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. I could see my students enjoying this text and the approach that is used in presenting material. Thanks again for all of these! For example, someone having one X and one Y chromosome may develop typical female sexual characteristics, for example, if the Y chromosome does not have the gene SRY. Their art connections have good diagrams Overall, this is a well assembled textbook that would be highly appropriate for an introductory biology course for majors. No cultural insensitivities were noticed as part of this course. 13. I noticed no grammatical errors in this chapter, though I have noticed a couple minor typos throughout the book. Supportive text and links are found right beneath or around the text that provides the general information for a topic. However to meet I am writing this review for potential "Introductory Biology" course (chapters 1-16), thus, I currently use it as supplemental resource. I have found the content for this purpose mostly comprehensive, with some need to supplement. Like most Biology textbooks, this was hit or miss for me. Web resources have a notoriously short longevity and links to external sources need updating, so their inclusion makes regular updating essential if only for that reason. The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. To this end, the text could swap outdated, less commonly used biotechnology methods for more recent developments (e.g., CRISPR). The text doesnt reference or picture actual people very often, and generally seems to avoid gender-specific pronouns in hypothetical scenarios. While it puts major discoveries into some historical context (Mendel is discussed at length) it forgoes that context in more recent discoveries (epigenetic and its historical context). This organization structure also aids instructors in choosing the sequence of material to cover. In my opinion, the text is considerate of all cultural, racial, and ethnic sensibilities, In my opinion, this text has wide applications, and its ability to be customized makes it a strong candidate for adoption within our curriculum, Reviewed by Eric Johnson, Associate Professor, Virginia Wesleyan University on 5/7/21, For the topics most commonly covered (Cellular Resipration, Mitosis, etc), this book does a good job. Students can download this text for free, view it on their devices and print it out. Topics are presented in logical flow, and very much like in other biology textbooks. Ecosystem chapters are weakly connected, and there is not a separate chapter broken out for animal behavior. It is nice that links to animations and webpages are included. This textbook is mostly suitable for 100 level introductory biology for non-majors. Some are terrific, and worth a student spending time there to better understand the material. In other words, the new content will be a much more manageable 300 pages that will complement short videos I prepare. 19. Key words in bold are also easily visible and defined at the end of the chapter, so students can quickly find definitions. One exception: it appears that there is an error on page 150 in the image labeling frontal and transverse planes in the goat (at least the image doesnt seem to match the description in the text). My students do a lot of Google image searching to supplement graphics. This textbook is almost exactly like any paper textbook. It would be helpful for my objectives to have a stronger treatment of invertebrates. Which type of bond represents a weak chemical bond? On p. 125 the authors write: "The X chromosome is one of the two human sex chromosomes, as these chromosomes determine a person's sex. For Integrative Biology: Animals, I need a biology textbook with three types of This explanation on page 58 is overly simplified: So how do the cells of the stomach survive in such an acidic environment? At the end of the textbook, appendices (e.g., periodic table, metric system) and a comprehensive index are included. I thought many images had a random quality. We focus on clientele satisfaction. biology astronomy physics Here I think an animation or worksheet would be useful, where two alleles compete against one another over time to show the effects on allele frequency change given different magnitudes/directions of selection. Seemed good. The facts that are presented are unlikely to change to an extent that would require a major revision any time soon. I think this book is comprehensive for a general biology textbook, but it lacks some depth and breath for some concepts. I think that this omission by Biology 2e makes it difficult to frame how absolutely important oxidative phosphorylation is in terms of energy yield, and also to compare the efficiency of aerobic to anaerobic respiration. P.375 PCR is introduced before it is explained. I found my topic if the end of the keyword was different from the text but a misspelling in the middle of the word returned no matching results. The significance of these comparisons is not explained. This review will focuses specifically on a representative chapterin this case, Chapter 7: Cellular Respiration. The 8 units this textbook, chemistry through ecology, sufficiently cover the range of topics that would be covered in an Introductory Biology series of courses.The order in which topics are addressed follows the common approach of building from the simplest level of organization up to the highest level. These are presented well with all sides considered. Diagrams and written content both appeared to be accurate. Independent Assortment is discussed in 12.3 along with Linkage, but Linkage section did not provide any information about determining the distance between and order of genes on chromosomes. The text provides students with current, relevant information in a progression of topics and concepts based on empirical data and basic science. However, unlike most textbooks, it is simple for anyone to submit a correction, so these errors are corrected more efficiently than can be done for most textbooks. Topic coverage on was accurate for the majority of subjects presented. Descriptions of complex processes (especially of genetics and physiology) are also clear and easy to understand. I have used chapter 1-16 of this book for a 100-level community college class "Integrated Chemistry and Cellular Biology for Healthcare Professionals". I have found no inaccuracies. I did not find any obviously inaccurate information in the book, so I would agree with the statement that the content is accurate, error-free, and unbiased. I understand. Later in the same chapter, sociobiology is presented as a field of study, but the modern fields that actually focus on evolutionary explanations of behavior (e.g., Neuroethology; Behavioral Ecology) are not. I use Openstax Biology 2e as a textbook for my AP Bio and dual credit class. Also, the glossary has terms that are not fully defined. The website was easy to use and search. The index is helpful but there is no glossary. I did not find anything culturally insensitive. Few chapter, though, like Gene expression might need more detail/clarity. Sections will need to be fully revised to provide updates of text and figures. WebOpenstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 Download Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2: FileName Speed Downloads Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 | full 3971 kb/s 3630 Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 [Most popular] 1278 kb/s 4838 Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 | added by users 798 kb/s 4512 I used this text for my 3-term majors' sequence, and although one class does not make a trend, my students turned in the highest grades of any class I've taught in my 29 year career. Bar codes are used in many places for easy conversion as media changes. As noted above, the chapters can be covered in any order as instructors prefer, but the overall outline of the units and chapters fits perfectly with any standard biology course taught over one or two terms. Later, the text (page 530) says, Some structures are both analogous and homologous: the wings of a bird and the wings of a bat are both homologous and analogous. True, but the author does not explain why these structures are both homologous and analogous! The textbook is written in a clear language, easy to understand by freshmen students. read more. Generally, having so many possible ways to access the material makes the interface exceptionally positive for students. Majority of the figures and charts in the "Art Connection Figures" are very difficult to read. I am writing this review for potential "Introductory Biology" course (chapters 1-16), thus, I currently use it as supplemental resource. The set up of the text book is easy to navigate and the framework is consistent. 1 Review Questions - Biology 2e | OpenStax 4. These included sites such as Khan Academy. Examples overall seem fine. I also think that the links to external resources may be difficult to maintain, although I did spot-check those and the links were all good. This book will serve the purpose of introductory biology and could very well be used in place of the expensive textbooks. This text book is an excellent teaching tool. It includes video embedded that will be updated as needed. For example, the text describing seven steps of the Kreb cycle phases did not align with the accompanying figure (with eight steps). This is distracting in trying to tie the figure into the associated text. Within each chapter, the fundamental concepts and principles are addressed in a factual manner. Our young women need more role models in the STEM fields. WebCh. This review will focuses specifically on a representative chapterin this case, Chapter 7: Cellular Respiration. The text is very consistent in terms of terminology and framework. and Biology by Russell et al which are all well suited for a two-semester general biology sequence such as is typically taken by biology and science majors. Blocks of text are broken frequently by diagrams and questions, which helps them feel less intimidating. Topic completely missing from the book or coverage is so poor it is unusable, in my analysis were: Most of the time you are linked right to the page you clicked off of. Each chapter has a number of small photographs, and the artwork varies considerably from one chapter to the next. Error page 371. A comprehensive index is provided at the end of the text. Links to Animations Difficult concepts can be presented in image form as supplemental material. Much of the genetics content that I would use from this book is sort of timeless in that it hasnt changed in many years and is unlikely to change in the near future (meiosis, mitosis, mendelian genetics). Smith, Michael Abbott. Concepts and Connections). Small changes to update the Evolution Connection and Everyday Connection sections would be simple enough to do, and these small boxed-in sections contain some of the current events and applications to each chapter. The content is fairly up-to-date, but not so specific in most places that it would need constant updating to stay relevant. I have no special comments for this metric. Conclusion. The distinction is also clear on page 682. This textbook is mostly suitable for 100 level introductory biology for non-majors. read more. Fungal and protistan cells also have cell walls. No, not all protists have cell walls. We recommend using a Reviewed by Philips Akinwole, Assistant Professor, DePauw University on 10/16/19, I am writing this review for potential "Introductory Biology" course (chapters 1-16), thus, I currently use it as supplemental resource. (For example, a link to the genetics of human eye-color exercise inaccurately depicts human eye color as a two-gene character). This book covers the fundamental concepts of biology well and asks appropriate questions at the ends of chapters, and therefore has staying power. I loved the Link to Learning, I have used a number of the linked sites in my courses however it did open up a world of other valuable sites. Except where otherwise noted, textbooks on this site =AEN>B`i/TeA! q^E3H6_i7GQA&lgX Each chapter has a list of key terms plus definitions at the end. Material flows logically both between and within chapters. We have a two part biology series for majors and pre-nursing students that should have a good grounding in biology. Answers to text and chapter questions are also provided. A suggested and testable explanation for an event is called a ________. In Figure 20.7: For example, the bones in the wings of bats and birds have homologous structures. This is a poor example, since these wings are both homologous as vertebrate forelimbs and analogous as wings. I havent noticed any glaring errors so far. It also is relatively current, and includes some relatively recent knowledge, but the time for a major update is approaching. New insights could be incorporated with relative ease, including by substituting some sections with newer material for specific courses. WebOpenStax Biology 2e Folder | Quizlet 47 sets created by MNWest_Biology Teacher OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter Key Terms from the OpenStax Biology 2e Book OER Book Link: Sort OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 46 Ecosystems 40 terms MNWest_Biology Teacher OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 47 14 Key Terms - Biology 2e | OpenStax Key Terms We're unable to load Study Guides on this page. The authors do a great job of this important aspect. You can even purchase a bound copy from Amazon for around $60, which is very reasonable for a textbook. That said, more and more scientific discoveries require extensive team work, making the worship of individual scientists -always questionable- impossible. A few are poor. For each section there are 2-4 objectives for the students to focus on. the study of living organisms and their interactions with one another and their environments. There is really no other way to deal with this material. Clear subtitles and logically arranged chapters. I could not image how to part of a chapter to cover the basics of a topic. This is very helpful from a students point-of-view, as they can try to find the pertinent information for whatever question they are trying to answer. Overall, the coverage of subjects is appropriate for an introductory majors-level textbook that would be used across two (or more) semesters. enzyme. Reviewed by Jeffrey White, Assistant Professor, Framingham State University on 6/22/21, The book covers everything a traditional introductory biology major textbook covers at an average level of detail, organized in the usual hierarchy from atoms to ecosystems. read more. Non-major students who dislike biology After having used the book for majors biology course for the last 4 semester, I have pleased to say that I content is simple yet efficient and effective. Otherwise I had no interface issues. Additionally, sometimes terms are never explicitly defined. Images, tables, and boxes were all presented well and without distortion. The web based interface is simple and clean, and not overly complicated. Atoms that vary in the number of neutrons found in their nuclei are called ________. On page 676, the text confounds green algae and charophytes, referring to all green algae as charophytes. Each chapter has the appropriate figures for enhanced learning and understanding. The text is very well organized and the material flows well. The only issues were alternating terminology between Kreb Cycle and Citric Acid Cycle as well as between Calvin Cycle, Calvin-Benson Cycle, and Light Independent Reactions. OpenStax Reading Guides. Use of bolded key words helps readers pick out important terms. ions neutrons neutral atoms isotopes 6. There were a couple of places where there was either an issue with accuracy and clarity of explanation, or else a typo (like for example, using the word phenotype when genotype would have been more appropriate). Only a few places where text touches on the ethics of science, could use more. Both the pdf and online version contain an index. This book is on par in scope with the commonly used Campbell Biology. ISBN. There were also many resources for both the instructor and the students that make the use of this book ideal. I wouldnt call the text culturally relevant but it is certainly not culturally insensitive or offensive. There are a few errors or misstatements in this book, but they are few and far between. (b) [Pt(NH3)2FCl]\left[\mathrm{Pt}\left(\mathrm{NH}_3\right)_2 \mathrm{FCl}\right][Pt(NH3)2FCl]. Overall, This OER textbook is a well-designed biology textbook that gives a clear, consistent, and thorough presentation of the subject matter, so assisting students in developing a solid grasp of the concepts and principles of biology. The same topics are presented in pretty much the same order/with the same logical flow. As a result of the modularity, if a different progression is preferred it is easy to select material in a manner that aligns with your course/preferences. The topics are presented in a logical, clear fashion, with minimal searching for an area of interest. I felt like there was too much detail on some processes, and too little detail on other topics. Easier import power into different LMS platforms. First, the visual portrayals: The vast majority of working scientists shown in photographs appear to be light-skinned, and mostly male-presenting. The illustrations were also very helpful and I can see them providing a lot of help to those visual learners. You can assign students some chapters and not others. I focused in on Chapter 15: Genes and Proteins. In the pdf version there were also many blank sections and pages. WebOpenstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 Download Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2: FileName Speed Downloads Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 | full 3971 kb/s 3630 Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 [Most popular] 1278 kb/s 4838 Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 | added by users 798 kb/s 4512 On page 154, the text states, For example, think about someone opening a bottle of ammonia in a room filled with people. Overall, I felt that the authors made wise choices in balancing clarity of illustrations against complexity of an illustration. Learning outcomes are specified throughout and are clear and complete. I found that the level of detail is appropriate for a lower level undergraduate biology course. It is possible to see the resolution of every correction suggested over the entire history of the book when it was initially published in 2012 at: This is inevitable to some extent in any text, but the editors have some smoothing out to do. Reviewed by Eric Goff, Biology Professor, Midlands Technical College on 3/22/21, Content-wise, Biology -2e very closely aligns itself with most traditional introductory Biology text books. For example, the life cycle of flowers, and cellular respiration and hydrogen bonding. wLbmOsOwyVuj'xr]jl %P4aB$sW$"_`D2'-N`Bx^~vKe yl4/9_MVHgPXI"PTal)IEpCu(VQA }qR6_HZ/4>W!V |pa{5/KfAS^H&$f7,Ft13ur|j;}vPARC/`I$^ Overall I feel this textbook is easy to use and easy to read. This textbook has learning objectives at the beginning of each section. I think students will appreciate this breakdown and it will help to avoid overwhelming them with new material. The student can use references to look up additional material. In some places, information is repeated within a paragraph. This seems like a great book for freshman because often at that stage the students are interested in science but are unsure of what branch of science they want to go into. A chapter summary provides a good review for students, and I sometimes advised students to read the summary first, before getting into the weeds. It would improve the longevity of the book to better connect climate change with speciation and evolution, for example by including more relevant examples and current research at the end of the evolution chapter. For new instructors, I would also feel like they would need an alternative textbook, at least for reference since this book has so much less depth on most topics. For the level of students being targeted, there is sufficient focus. WebDownload Ebook Learnsmart Answer Key Biology Read Pdf Free biology 2nd edition solutions and answers quizlet free solutions for miller and levine biology 1st edition quizlet textbook answers gradesaver the biology 2e openstax evidence of evolution answer key studocu answer Reviewed by Melissa Kilgore, Biology Instructor, Lane Community College on 6/20/17, The textbook covers all of the major topics that I address in a year of non-majors biology. And includes some relatively recent knowledge, but it lacks some depth and for. Is part of this book covers the fundamental concepts and principles are addressed in a clear language, easy understand! Up-To-Date, but it lacks some depth and breath for some concepts constant updating to stay relevant this. Comprehensive coverage of subjects presented this textbook is mostly suitable for 100 level introductory biology for.! Specified throughout and are clear and complete ) semesters includes video embedded will. 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